Cool Cool Milkshake

Ever notice what happens to a pack of butter when you keep it outside for an hour? That’s exactly how I feel about being in Chennai during summer. I shouldn’t be complaining now, the summer is almost over – at least, the worst of it is over. It has started raining – but it rains only when you don’t want it to.

Yesterday when I was waiting for Bebo’s school bus to come, it started raining. I got completely drenched and so did two other moms who were waiting along with me. The huge umbrella I had with me was not sufficient to shield the three grown ups and four kids we had with us. Funny part was that the moment we entered home, all wet and  dripping, it stopped raining!

Want to guess when it started raining again? Yes, when Harry started from his office in his two wheeler. I can bet anything that if he was travelling by car that day, it wouldn’t have rained at that time.

And guess what I had made that day? A milkshake with ice cream! What an irony, right?


Banana – 1, sliced

Ice cream – 1-2 scoops ( I used strawberry flavor)

Milk – 1/2 -1 cup


Blend everything together to get a milkshake of your preferred consistency. Add less milk if you want a thick milkshake.


This is just a bit of whatever I had at home put together. So adjust these according to your taste.

The main message here is that Ice cream + Milk = Yummy, any day anytime.

Linked to Serve it – ChilledKid’s Delight, for this month’s theme Cool Comforts,  Healing Foods, for this month’s theme Banana.

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